1. He is the main object of hope and trust (Isaiah 12:2).
2. He is the main subject of praise and thanksgiving (2 Corinthians 9:15).
3. He is the main matter of joy and rejoicing (Psalm 137:6Psalm 43:4). Three things are necessary.
(1)An interest in Him as our Saviour.
(2)The knowledge of that interest.
(3)Suitable walking.
II. WHAT OF CHRIST ESPECIALLY IS A BELIEVER'S SONG? True believers sing, and ought to sing —
1. Of what Jesus Christ is in Himself as to His personal excellences and perfections.
2. Of what He is to us. He is our foundation, our food, our root, our raiment; and should we not sing of these?
3. Of what He hath done, and is doing, and will yet do, for us.(1) He hath taken our nature upon Him, and in our nature suffered and died; He hath washed us from our sins in His own blood; called us with a holy calling; begun a good work.(2) Is He not ever living to make intercession for us? Is He not guiding and guarding us, enlightening and comforting us, every day?(3) He will perform the good work that He hath begun; He will come again and fetch us to Himself, that where He is there we may be also. Can ye name any other to sing of, that hath done the like for you?
1. He is the angels' song (Job 38:7Luke 2:13, 14).
2. He is the most ancient song; the song of the ancients. They sung of Him as one to come, for they saw Him, though it was but as through the lattices, or as through a glass darkly.
3. He is the new song. Wherever ye read of a new song in Scripture, it points at Him (Psalm 33:3Psalm 40.; 96:1; 98:1; 149:1). He is the New Testament song. Ever since His coming in the flesh all His saints have been singing of Him, as of one already come; rejoicing in Him, and showing forth His praises. As fast, as they have been made new creatures they have learned this new song.
4. He is their night song (Psalm 42:8Job 35:10).(1) In the night season, when others are sleeping, true believers are rejoicing in God their Redeemer, and solacing themselves in Him (Psalm 149:5Song of Solomon 1:13Acts 16:1.) Paul and Silas sang at midnight.(2) In the night of sorrow and affliction. To be able to sing then, when everything looks sad and sorrowful round about us, is a great matter; as David (1 Samuel 30:6)
5. He is their song all the week, and their song on the Sabbath. We are bid to rejoice in the Lord always, every day, and they that have an interest in Christ, and know it, do so; but especially on Sabbath days (Psalm 118:24). Sabbath days are set apart on purpose.
6. He is their song while they live, and their song when they die. While they live, in all the turns of their lives (Psalm 146:2). And in a special manner when they come to die; upon sick-beds, and death-beds. As it is said of the swan, that she sings sweetest when dying, so it is with many of God's people. At the death of Mr. John Janeway, one present said he never was in a room where God in Christ had more praises than there at that time.
7. He is their song in the world, and will he their song to eternity. What is the great employment of heaven, and what will it be for ever and ever, but to lift up God-redeemer (Revelation 5:9-13). Jesus Christ is to be our everlasting song (Isaiah 35:10). It is good to be found doing that, now that we would be glad to be found doing hereafter — world without end.
1. This may serve for an examining sign, or mark of trial, whereby to know what we are as to our spiritual state and condition. We are bid to try ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5). What, is Jesus Christ to us? What think we of Him? Hath He ever been our song? Do we rejoice in Him?
2. Here is a word of reproof to the true believers among us, that do not make Christ their song, that are in Him, but do not rejoice in Him; however, not with evenness and constancy, not in that measure and degree, that they should and ought. Thou shouldst chide thyself for it (Psalm 42: and 43:5).(1) It grieves the Spirit of God.(2) It blemishes the ways of God; makes thee a stumbling-block to them that are without, like the evil spies.(3) It is weakening to thyself. The more Christ is our song the more is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Then search out the cause.
3. Exhortation, to all that call themselves believers. Make Christ your song, week days and Sabbath days.(1) He is worthy that you should.(2) The gain of it will be thy own, in present comfort, in eternal recompense.
(Philip Henry.)


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