There are three things which a Christian may meet with which are unspeakable.
1. An unspeakable sorrow, so that he cannot make language of it.
2. Unspeakable mercy.
3. Unspeakable joy.There is not a grain weight of affliction in the cup which infinite wisdom doth not think fit should be there. There are some Christians that are forced to bless God more for their crosses than for their mercies. The cross of a Christian has two faces — an outward and an inward face. From this exhortation to Israel notice —
1. It is a singular and remarkable step of the goodwill of God, when He doth manifest the meaning of a rod to a person or people.
2. The Christians of old have taken much pains to know the voice of the rods that they meet with.
3. It is exceeding anxious for a Christian to be under a silent rod; to be under such a dispensation that he knows not the language of it.
4. It is exceeding hard for a Christian to profit by a rod till once he take up the meaning of it.
5. A Christian may be long under a rod before he know the voice and language of it.
6. When a Christian wins apprehension of the meaning of his rod he should at once go about to answer it. How may a Christian gain the meaning of his rod? By making serious application to the throne of grace, that God would give light concerning it. If the rod was timed to thee, when the heart was under much distance from God, that probably is the meaning of the rod — to draw thee nigh again. We may also know the rod by reflecting on the manner and circumstances of the rod, and by observing the mind of the Lord in Scriptures; and by studying the circumstances associated with the rod; and by considering what are the Divine designs in sending rods. It is easier to bear a rod patiently which is for the trial and exercise of our predominant grace, than to bear a rod patiently that is for the mortification of our predominant idols. There is ordinarily some analogy between our crosses and our sins.
1. Many think the cross speaks wrath when it speaks love. Some think that love and the rod cannot be together at all.
2. Some think that God can never answer their prayers while He is afflicting them.
3. Some begin to dispute their interest when they meet with a rod or sad dispensation.
4. It is a great mistake of the voice and language of God's threatening rod for a person to think religion but vanity and an empty thing under the cross.
5. Another mistake is, to dispute the fellowship a Christian hath with God.
1. If the rod call for the mortifying of a particular lust and idol, it is incumbent to sit down, and bring up your hearts to a spiritual detestation of such an idol.
2. If the voice of the rod be to stir up a grace, then study to know that there is as much spiritual advantage in the real and spiritual exercise of such a grace as ye can lose by all the rods ye can meet with.
3. If the voice of the rod be that thou shouldst set about the exercise of a duty, then endeavour seriously that all impediments and lets to that duty be laid aside.
IV. WHAT OUGHT TO BE A CHRISTIAN'S DUTY WHILE HE IS WALKING UNDER A SILENT ROD. He should know God to be just, though he knoweth not for what He contends with him. He should be serious in making distinct supplications to God to know the meaning of such a rod. He should be serious to know the reason of God's keeping up His mind from him in such a rod. He should study to bring his heart into a tender and spiritual frame. Study to have thy heart most united to Christ when under a silent cross, for at that time thou art most ready to fall. Take notice of the following observations concerning the cross. If affliction be spun out to any length, the Christian may turn impatient. There are five sorts of blasphemy which one that is under a cross may fall into. It shows the want of a son-like frame if the cross hinders us in the exercise of our duties. Look upon your crosses as divine gifts. There are some peaceable fruits of righteousness that redound to a Christian who is rightly exercised under the cross. The most rare enjoyments of the Christian are trysted to the time of his being under a cross.
(A. Gray.)


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