Christ’s binding

For Christ’s binding. The evangelist tells us, that the band, and the captain, and the officers of the Jews, took Jesus, and bound his hands with cords; certainly they wanted no malice, and now they wanted no power, for the Lord had given himself into their hands. Binding argues baseness: fools and slaves were accustomed to be bound, and so were thieves; but is our Saviour numbered amongst any of these? O yes! In that same hour said Jesus to the multitude, Are ye come out as against a thief, with swords and staves O wonderful condescension of Christ! He that was eminently just, is reputed a thief; he that was equal with God, is become a servant; he that was stronger than Samson, is bound with cords, and, as a lamb, continues bound for the slaughter; and thus began our liberty from sin and death. Christ was faster bound with his cords of love, than with iron fetters; his love was strong as death; it overcame him who is invincible, and bound him who is omnipotent: the Jews’ cords were but the symbols and figures; but the dear love, the tender bowels of Jesus Christ, were the things signified.Am


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