A bar in the way to salvation is an opinion of the easiness of salvation; God is merciful, and the worst come to the worst, it is but repent.
God is merciful, it is true, but withal He is just; He must not wrong His justice by showing mercy; therefore observe that clause in the proclamation, He "will by no means clear the guilty" (Ex. 34:7). If a king did proclaim that only those should be pardoned who came in and submitted to his sceptre; could any, still persisting in rebellion, claim the benefit of that pardon? Oh sinner, wouldst thou have mercy, and wilt not disband the weapon of unrighteousness?
It is but repent. But repent? It is such a but that we cannot hit unless God direct our arrow. Tell me, Oh sinner, is it easy for a dead man to live and walk? Thou art spiritually dead, and wrapped up in thy winding sheet (Eph. 2:2). Is regeneration easy? Are there no pangs in the new birth? Is self-denial easy; dost thou know what religion must cost, and what it may cost? It must cost you the parting with your lusts, it may cost you the parting with your life; take heed of this obstruction. Salvation is not accomplished lightly; thousands have gone to hell upon this mistake. The broad spectacles of presumption have made the strait gate seem wider than it is.  Thomas Watson


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