The Great Change
"I will wait until my change comes." Job 14:14 If all that has been previously said will not stop men in their sins, I shall add little more. Only let me make this one warning to them—that they would remember their mortality and think seriously how soon death may come—and how terrible it will be to die in their sins! John 8:21. For this purpose, let them hearken to this death-watch in the text, "I will wait until my change comes." This book of Job treats much of death and mortality. Job looked upon himself as a man who was not long for this world. Job 17:1, "I am near death. The grave is ready to receive me!" And he loved to be walking often among the tombs—and so to familiarize himself with death. "I will wait until my change comes." "Until my change comes"—that is, until death comes. In the text there is: Job's resolution , "I will wait." The length of time he will w...