The Lord is Righteous.

The Lord is righteous ,for I have rebelled against his commandment. Lamentation 1:18
In these plaintive elegaics, Jerusalem , by the mouth of the prophet , laments her fate . But the story of her desolation is mingled with confessions of her sin . She asks boldly if any sorrow could be compared to her sorrow ,and then confesses that not one pang or stroke has been in excess of her sin . This is what sorrow does for us all . Sorrow has been fitly called the mother of all joy . She alone creates the darkness, in which we can distinguish the real meaning of God's dealings , and understand the true nature of our wild wanderings . Her neutral tints subdues the soul's pride , and turn it away from the glare of human ambition . Beneath her teaching we learn to view aright the evanescence of all things human , and to see that the eternal is alone real amid a world of illusions .
    "Sweet sorrow , who the earth has ever trod ,
     Dreaded and shunned , till, by its burning kiss,
     The heart was fired and flamed serene to God ;
         O kind stern friend , we leave thee on Time's shore ,
         The only friend of earth whom we shall see no more."
Perhaps your sorrow will be allowed to press on you more and more sorely till you have been led to self-examination , confession of sin , and acknowledgement of the rightness of God's dealing with you . There is an alloy of pride in your nature that must be destroyed . If the fire is not hot enough , its heat must be raised till it suffices . Accept the lesson of your present pain , and rebel no longer. The waves of unutterable grief may be breaking in succession against the beaten promontory of your faith , and will be followed by the great tenth wave of apparent desertion ; but the return tide of exultant joy is at hand .


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