Harmony of the Law with the Gospel

Law & Gospel :-Though distinct they are not opposite . As coming from the same source , they must ultimately meet in the same plan, and subserve the same end . Like the seemingly opposite perfections of their glorious Author , they harmonize in mutual subserviency in the Christian system . The provisions of the Gospel are fully commensurate with the demands of the law . Its righteousness fulfills the law as a covenant ; its grace obeys it as a rule . Both have a commanding and a condemning power. Both combine to" bring the to Christ"- "the law indirectly - as a schoolmaster ," showing his need of him : the Gospel directly , exhibiting him in all points suitable to his need . In this centre of everlasting love , the "mercy" of the Gospel  "and the truth " of the law " meet together ." The "righteousness" of the law and the "peace "of the Gospel here "embrace each each other."Both unite to endear the ways of God to us - the law as the instrument of conviction , teaching us to prize the grace of the Gospel ; the Gospel , as the principle of holiness, exciting us "to delight in the law of God after the inward man."
    The directive power of the law is in equal consonance with the spirit and end of the Gospel . The grace of the Gospel regulates our heart and life by the rule of the law ." Love".which is "the fulfilling of the law" is also the great end of the Gospel . The Gospel dwells , only " where the law of God is written in the heart ."  Thus they are both parts of the same revelation, they unite in the same heart ; and though the offices of each are materially distinct , neither will be found separate from the other .  As both are transcripts of the Divine mind and image , both must be hated or loved together . The hatred is the radical principle of the carnal mind ; the love is the mind of Christ , and the commencement of the service of heaven.


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