The Gospel

Nothing but the truth of the Gospel can be instrumental to the conversion of souls . Any willful suppression - or any compromising statement of truth , dishonours the Holy Spirit in his own special office , and therefore restrains his quickening influence . Many earnest , affectionate , and diligent ministers , are mourning over the palpable unfruitfulness of their work ; without at all suspecting , that the root of the evil lies within themselves . Sincerity , earnestness, conscientiousness , and self denial , when connected with a wrong or defective standard or practice , are means utterly disproportioned to produce this moral miracle of a radical change . Bishop Horsley  remarked 'it too often happens that ministers lose sight of that which is their proper office , to publish the word of reconciliation .'And ,indeed without this ministry of reconciliation , it is of no avail to appear before our people . We might beseech them with tears - ' be ye reconciled unto God ' We might work upon their self-love . We might reason with them upon their folly. We might convince them with our arguments . They might listen to us , as the sound of 'one who playeth well upon an instrument .' But no abiding impression would be made . The drunkard , the swearer , and the devoted follower of the world would be alike uninfluenced . But in lifting up the cross of Christ in our ministrations , how does the Spirit of God  , acting in his own office , delight to unveil the face of Christ , and to shed his animating glow upon this magnificent subject !Thus - thus only - by his Almighty agency applying the doctrine to the heart - do our people live , grow , and flourish . Thus do they become crucified to sin , separate from the spirit of the world , and consecrated to the service of God ; brought to the present enjoyment of Christian privileges , and "made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light."


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