Establishment of the Law by the Gospel.

"Do we make void the law through faith?God forbid  Yea we establish the law " Romans 3 31 The faith or doctrine of the Gospel establishes the law in its covenant form , exhibiting a Divine Suretyship of obedience to the law , as the price for sanctification ; and in its directive form ,- inculcating practical obligations upon a stronger foundation , and fulfilling them by the power of an heavenly life , and the impulse of evangelical motives . Thus the offices of Christ delightfully combine . As our Surety , He delivers us from the curse of the law . As our King , He brings us under its rule . This Scriptural faith saves us from its condemnation , and enables us for its requirements . Take away this principle , and we are under the full penalty of the broken law ; nor is there is any root , on which to engraft a corrupt tree , that it might bring forth good fruit .
              Thus also , the grace of the Gospel "establishes the law" in its twofold character . What the doctrine of faith reveals , the grace of faith applies ; both for acceptance , as exposed to the penalty of the covenant ; and for ability to exercise that "love , which is the fulfilling of the law ." Here therefore , believing and doing , though opposed as light and darkness in the matter of justification , yet agree in the life and conduct of the justified sinner . 


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