Sun of Righteousness

Malachi 4.2.At the end of the Old Testament it is meet that the sun should break out .The morning that broke on Paradise was clear enough . It was without clouds . But the sky soon became darkened , and at last veiled , and only here and there a chink of the blue sky left . All through the dark succeeding centuries there have been gleams of sunshine to let man know that the sun was shining still . Every precious promise , every solemn type , every holy life , that was bathed in supernatural beauty , was like the shining forth of the sun through the bars of human darkness and sin . But evidently more was in store than Old Testament saints had dreamed ; and the time was coming when the reign of type , symbol , and parable would be succeeded by the clear vision of the face of God .
    We live in days of open vision . Let us go forth and exult . We are to rejoice in every good thing He gives us . As the young calves of the spring manifest their exuberant life in their caperings and gambols in the pastures , so let us give expression to our joy . Exult because the darkness is past , and the true light now shineth ; exult because He is coming again , as surely as He came once. Wake up , my soul , take up psaltery and harp , and sing . The Bridegroom is at hand . Hark ! are those the chariot wheels reverberating through the air ? Even so , Lord Jesus , come quickly .


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