Epistles of Christ

This is the want - the crying demand of our age - a living Christianity - Epistles of Christ that may "be known and read of all men"Presumptuous scoffers are there , who would dare to allege that the Bible is an antiquated book - that its age is past and gone - that it was well enough for the church or the world in its nonage  - but the refinements of the present age demand something higher and better . Vain dreamers ! Christians, if you value your Bibles and prize their priceless worth , know that something better , something nobler , cannot be given ; remember too , there is one volume ( not a substitute , but an all important supplement ) which you can produce to silence the gainsayer - the volume of your life :- a volume read by worldly and scoffing eyes , that scorn to read the Word of God . They can contemn God's blessed Revelation as an effete and antiquated story , but they cannot resist the mighty eloquence of a pure , holy , Christ - like , heavenly walk !
Scorning the base compliance's of the world ; at war with its selfishness ; diffusing a kindly glow of love , and charity and peace ; and amiability all around :-Yes here is Christianity ! No pulpit figment - no barren theory - no worn out dream of an age long gone by ; but an active , living influential principle , indestructible seed , taking root in heaven - born natures , and bringing forth fruit "  in some thirty , in some sixty and in some an hundred fold


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