Dwell Deep

As originally spoken , these words summoned the people of Edom to seek the shadows of impenetrable forests , and retire into the secrecy of the dens and the caves of the rocks The deeper their hiding place , the better it would be when the storm of invasion swept across the land .
Dwell deep in the peace of God :- God's peace is so deep and blessed that it cannot be fathomed or explained ; the fugitive into its sacred secrets cannot be followed or dragged forth to perish by the merciless pack of the wolves of care . Men of the world cannot understand the mystery of peace ; but the believer knows the way into it , and makes it his hiding place and pavilion . He sleeps , like his master in the stern , while the storm sweeps over the waters .
Dwell deep in communion with God :-Hide in God . Get away from the rush and strife around , and go alone into the clear , still depths of His nature The Rhone loses all its silt in the deep , clear waters of Geneva's lake . A few hasty words of prayer will not avail for this .A days climb is often necessary before one can reach the heart of the mountains .
Dwell deep in stillness of soul :-Do not live on the outside of life , in the outer courts of the temple of the soul . Get within . God awaits thee there . Centre thyself . When the world is full of alarm and harrassments , study to be quiet . The soul's health cannot be maintained apart from the observance of times of waiting on God in solitude . The great importance of perseverance in the exercise of prayer and inward retirment may be sufficiently learned , says one , next to the experience of it , merely from the tempters artifices and endeavours to entice us from it , and make us neglect it .


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