Psalm 125.

"They that trust in the Lord , shall be as Mount Zion ,which cannot be removed , but abideth forever ....."
The stability of the church ,and the protection afforded her by Jehovah, were of old represented by the mountain on which the divine presence resided , and by the hills that encompassed Jerusalem , so as to render that city in a manner impregnable . While her inhabitants continued to" trust in the Lord " this was the case . But when she became faithless and disobedient , she became weak , like any other city . Let not "our trust in God " be a presumptuous ungrounded  assurance , but let it be a confidence springing from faith unfeigned , out of a pure heart , a good conscience , and fervent love . Then shall our situation , whether as a church or as individuals , resemble that of the holy mount in the beloved city , and our God will be unto us a fortress , and a wall round about . But , let us never forget , that the promises to us , like those to Israel , are conditional . " Because of unbelief they were broken off , and we stand by faith . "


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