"Weep not."

"Weep not" in heart-broken sorrow under the afflictions which may be pressing so heavily upon you.  These are all in the covenant ; every one of them is recorded in that book in the right hand of Him that sitteth on the Throne , as part of the process needed for you purification; and every one of them is administered by the Lamb that was slain for you .The same hand that was nailed to the cross unfolds your whole life's daily history , and does it with unerring wisdom , so as to secure the result promised in the everlasting covenant .
    "Weep not" in view of the church's sad imperfections , impurities , and backsliding  , or of her calamities, and the power and hostility of the world, and the darkness of those dispensations of Providence which seem to remove far distant the period of anticipated triumph . All these apostacies and calamities , all opposition and conflicts , are written in that sealed book ; they are as the succeeding revelations fully prove , part of that vast and wonderful plan which He has chosen , in order to show to all the universe the malignity of sin, and the infinite glory of redemption in triumphing over it , and saving the church . The power and love of the slain Lamd presides over the whole


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