
Small and apparently harmless Popery began ; with a power and perseverance of a principle in nature it spread and defiled the church. How completely that leaven penetrated the lump may be seen everywhere throughout Europe , in the architecture , sculpture , paintings , - in the laws , habits , and language that have come down from the middle ages to our own day . The evil spirit of Papacy has intruded into every place ; into the councils of kings , into the laws of nations , into the births , marriages , and deaths of the people . Between ruler and subject, between husband and wife  , between parent and child , comes the priest , gliding in like water through seamy walls , sapping their foundations . Into the inmost heart of maid , wife , mother creeps the confessional , tainting , souring , defiling society in its springs , - a leaven of malice and wickedness, a leaven at once of Pharisee and Sadducee , a superstition that believes everything  in alliance with a scepticism that believes nothing , and all combined to conceal the salvation of God , and enslave the spirits of men . Beware of the leaven of the Papacy. William  Arnot


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