The Lord's Word

"Who is he to whom the mouth of the Lord hath spoken , that he may declare it?"  Jeremiah : 9 : 12.
A saintly soul has translated these words into music , which expresses their inner thought :-
"Lord , speak to me , that I may speak
 In living echoes of thy tone:
 As thou hast sought , so let me seek
 Thy erring children , lost and lone.

O teach me Lord , that I may teach
 The precious things thou dost impart :
And wing my words , that they may reach
 The hidden depths of many a heart."

With such expressions of the disciples of the Lord, we could couple his sublime words: " Be not anxious how or what ye shall speak : for it shall be given you in that hour what you shall speak . For it is not ye that speak , but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you," And again he said : "What I tell you in the darkness , speak ye in the light: and what ye hear in the ear , proclaim upon the housetops. " Often we have run before we were sent. We have spoken our own message , and it has fallen flat and powerless . We have elaborated our sentences with careful art  , but they have been lighter than vanity, for the want of the King's word , in which alone there is power.
    Let us amend our ways , and wait on Him for his word , going forth to speak it with an authority which can only be obtained when one has a consciousness of a "Thus saith the Lord ." We may have to go into the darkness of pain and sorrow , or hide in the closet far from the rush of the world , and the clamour of human voices  ; but we shall hear Him speak , as the prophet Elijah  did at Horeb , when the still , small voice filled the cave with its thrilling cadence.   F.B. Meyer


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