The Way is Dark...............

"The way is dark, my Father! Cloud on cloud
Is gathering thickly  o'er my head , and loud
The thunders roar above me . See, I stand
Like one bewildered !  Father , take my hand.

The day goes fast , my Father  ! and the night
Is drawing darkly down  . My faithless sight
Sees ghostly visions ; fears , a spectral band ,
Encompass me .O Father ! take my hand.

The way is long, my Father ! and my soul
Longs for the rest and quiet of the goal.
While yet I journey through this weary land ,
Keep me from wandering .  Father ! take my hand.'

"The way is dark my child ! but leads to light ;
I would not always have thee walk by sight,
My dealings now thou canst not understand,
I meant it so ; but I will take thy hand.

The day goes fast my child ! but is the night
Darker to me than day? In me is light!
Keep close to me , and every spectral band
Of fears shall vanish . I will take thy hand .

The way is long my child ! but it shall be
Not one step longer than is best for thee;
And thou shalt know, at last, when thou shalt stand
Safe at the goal , how I did take thy hand."


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