READER, do pause to mark the blessedness of that state, which can look up and plead for justification before GOD, upon the sole authority of GOD’S covenant, and the person and righteousness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. As JESUS himself pleaded both these, so hath he taught his people to do the same. As poor, polluted, guilty, sinners, we could have nothing to plead, but only cry for pure mercy. But, while we keep GOD’S CHRIST in view, and behold him as JEHOVAH's salvation to the ends of the earth; we may, and we ought, indeed, to lodge all our appeals both upon CHRIST’S merit, and the covenant faithfulness of GOD our FATHER. And, Reader, do mark it down, as a sure and certain thing, that when GOD the HOLY GHOST leads out the soul to the full view of those united sources of our acceptance before GOD, nothing can afford a more solid and substantial resting-place, for maintaining fellowship and communion with GOD, by grace in this life, and everlasting glory in the life to come. Precious LORD, help me so to plead, so to come to the throne, and so to act faith upon GOD’S record concerning his dear SON, that I may always come boldly unto the throne of grace to obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hawker


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