
 Man, in his ignorance and sinfulness, first thinks that God is such an one as himself, Psal. l. 21.; and then thinks any representation of God may serve. And indeed the meanest creeping thing is an image too good for such a god. A god altogether like a sinner, is no other than the god of this world, the devil, 2 Cor. iv. 4. See the first gross idolatry among Israel in the wilderness, Exodus. xxxii. They had heard the fiery law proclaimed dreadfully, but about forty days before; and idolatry specially prohibited and threatened in that law: yet they had hardly the dread of that voice out of their ears, before their hearts are turned aside, their hands busied in making an idol, and they on their knees worshipping it. In vet. 1. they say, Up, and make us gods to go before us. What a poor god is he that is of man's making?

Robert Traill


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