. (And it is a sad thing if people cannot their own name in no part of this prayer): And I have given unto them the words which thou gave st me. Search if Christ hath given you any of his words. He hath the tongue of the learned from the Father, Isa. 1. 4. and Set it on all he save. We are saved by words; not by the words which men speak, but which Christ speaks: John vi. 68. Lord, to .whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. So here Christ saith, "I have given them these words of love, and "life, and power." Hath Christ at no time spoke to your heart, so as you have been made to say, This is the voice of my beloved; as Cant. ii. 8.? Men must hear Christ's voice, before they open the door to him, Rev. iii. 20. His vo


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