Never forget that the whole drama of Redemption--the Incarnation, the Ministry, the Cross, the Resurrection, the Ascension--was all but one long search for the lost sheep, and carrying it homerejoicing. The whole race of man was the lost sheep until Christ found it. All we like sheep had gone astray. “All the souls that are were forfeit once, And He who might the vantage best have took, Found out the remedy.” Other sheep were His--millions of spiritual creatures thronging the heaven of heavens. But here was this atom-world, floating on the infinite bosom of the bright and boundless air, the ruined habitation of a fallen race. To this poor ruined atom-world He came down all these steps of the infinite descent. Why? Because God is love. I. LET US ALL BE PITIFUL. As for sin, indeed, we cannot hate it too much. But for the sinner we should feel nothing but compassion. II. LET NONE DESPAIR. None has sinned too deeply to be forgiven. Come to Christ with your burden. There is heavenly medicine; there is lustral water at the wicket gate. III. THINK NOBLE THOUGHTS OF GOD. ( Archdeacon Farrar. )


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