"For God sent Him, and He speaks God’s words,

"For God sent Him, and He speaks God’s words, since He gives the Spirit without measure. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hands." John 3:34, 35
John came as a witness to Jesus—"to bear witness of the Light" (1:7, 8). Marvelous office and honor! A spark to bear witness of the Sun! He does his work well, bearing true, full, blessed testimony to the Son of God! He bore this testimony, that all men through him might believe (1:7). Yet who believed his report? "No man receives his testimony." They honored him, flocked to him, spoke well of him—but received not Him of whom he testified.
Let us listen to John's testimony concerning Messiah, the Word made flesh, that we may receive it, and receive Him of whom he testifies.
I. He is the sent of God. "The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world." He comes to us on a mission from the Father; He comes not of himself, nor speaks of himself. It is with the Father's voice that He speaks; the Father's errand that He discharges. What a link that word "sent" forms between us and God, between earth and heaven, between the sinner and the love of God. God sends Him, and He comes; He comes to earth; He comes to us; messenger, ambassador, servant. Angels are "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister." But in a higher and more peculiar sense is the Son who is "sent," sent by the Father. O loving Sender, and O blessed Sent One! Let us gladly receive the message, the messenger, and Him who sends.
II. He is the speaker of the words of God. He has come to "speak"; not to keep silence; to speak words which a man can understand; words with a human voice, and in human language. Yet the words are the words of God; and the speaker is from heaven; He is divine; and His revelation is divine; and His words are divine—divine though human. Let us listen to this speaker of the words of God. He speaks thus: "Repent"; "You must be born again"; "God so loved the world"; "I am the light of the world"; "Come unto me." Thus He spoke on earth; and thus also He speaks from heaven: "Behold I stand," etc. For in heaven He is still the speaker of the words of God. "Hear, and your soul shall live." The words of God are perfect; they are grace and truth; filled with love and wisdom. Let us listen to this glorious speaker, and we shall find health and peace.
III. He is the possessor of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of the Spirit is with Him, and in Him; the Spirit "without measure" has been given to Him. The Word made flesh is the Messiah. The anointed One. Through the eternal Spirit—He spoke, and acted, and lived, and died. The Spirit without measure is given Him. This fullness He possesses for us; for His church; He is the possessor and the dispenser of the Holy Spirit. Let us welcome Him, and deal with Him as such. It is for us that the Father has filled Him. There is enough in His fullness for us. We need not be empty so long as He is full, nor poor so long as He is rich.
IV. He is the object of the Father's love. "The Father loves the Son." This love of the Father to the Son is the greatest of all. There is none like it. It is perfect, in finite, eternal, divine, passing all knowledge. Never before had there been such an object for the Father to love; so glorious, so loveable; so full of all created and uncreated excellencies. This love of the Father to the Son, is the foundation of His treatment of us. He deals with us according to this love. It is the greatness of this love that makes Him so desirous of blessing us; because in blessing us, He is honoring the beloved Son. Thus He gratifies his love to the Son by blessing us. What security for blessing does this give us! It is not simply His love to us that makes Him so long to bless us—but his love to his own Son. We might suspect His love to ourselves, and say, How can we count upon blessing? but we cannot suspect His love to his Son, so that we may boldly say, We are sure of blessing, because we are sure that the Father loves the Son. Let these words sink into our hearts, "The Father loves the Son."
V. He is the heir of all things. The Father has given all things into his hand. He is head over all things; He is Lord of all; He is King of kings; He is judge of all. He has put all things under His feet, and left nothing that is not put under Him. He is the head of principalities and powers. This universal authority and dominion is the consequence of the Father's love. It is thus that God honors Him, and shows that He is the man whom He delights to honor. All things are given into His hand, because He is the beloved of the Father. Nothing in heaven, or earth, or hell is beyond His sway. He is the blessed and only Potentate.
Learn then,
(1.) A sinner's REFUGE. Christ Jesus—the sent of God; the speaker of the words of God's love; the possessor of all power. Go straight to him, O man! There is safety in Him—but in no other. He is willing to bless; able to save to the uttermost. He can deliver you from every sin and enemy. You have all in Him. Go to Him now; as you are; with all your worthlessness and evil.
(2.) A saint's SECURITY. The church of God, and each saint of God, is daily exposed to peril. All things are against us. But in Him whom the Father loved we have a strong tower, a refuge in the time of trouble. Who shall prevail against those whom Christ has undertaken to protect?


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