Blessed Spirit, Make Me Lowly Of Heart!

When Jesus was exalted on high, the Spirit of God was poured out to work in us all needed graces. The Holy Spirit creates repentance in us by supernaturally renewing our nature, and taking away the heart of stone out of our flesh. Oh, sit not down straining those eyeballs of yours to fetch out impossible tears! Repentance comes not from unwilling nature, but from free and sovereign grace.

Get not to your chamber to smite your breast in order to fetch from a heart of stone feelings which are not there. But go to Calvary and see how Jesus died. Look upward to the hills whence comes your help. The Holy Spirit has come on purpose that He may overshadow mens spirits and breed repentance within them, even as once He brooded over chaos and brought forth order.

Breathe your prayer to Him, Blessed Spirit, dwell with me. Make me tender and lowly of heart, that I may hate sin and unfeignedly repent of it. He will hear your cry and answer you.


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