“He is the head of the body, the church.”
Colossians 1:18.
AS if to show us that this title of “Head of the church” is to be held in highest esteem, it is here
placed in connection with the loftiest honors of our Lord Jesus; in the same breath the Son of God is
styled “the image of the invisible God,” “the first-born of every creature,” “the Creator of all existence,”
and then, “the head of the body, the church.” We dare not, therefore, think lightly of this title, nor do we
hesitate to assert that any levity with regard to it would be as disgraceful as the profane use of any other
name of our divine Lord. For any mortal to assume it to himself, we conceive would be equal in
blasphemy to the assumption of the mediatorial office—and we should be no more shocked to hear a
man claim to be “the Creator of all things,” than we are now when a mortal is designated, “Head of the
What is the church? The word signifies an assembly; the church of Jesus Christ is an assembly of
faithful men, the whole company of God’s chosen, His called out ones, the entire community of true
followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever true believers are, there is a part of the church; wherever
such men are not, whatever organization may be in existence, there is no church of Jesus Christ. The
church is no corporation of priests or confederacy of unconverted men—it is the assembly of those
whose names are written in heaven; any assembly of faithful men is a church. The aggregate of all these
assemblies of faithful men make up the one church which Jesus Christ has redeemed with His most
precious blood, and of which HE is the sole and only Head. Part of that church is in heaven, triumphant;
part on earth, militant, but these differences of place make no division as to real unity. There is but one
church above, beneath; time creates no separation—the church is always one; one church of the apostles,
one church of the reformers, one church of the first century, one church of the latter days, and of this one
and only church, Jesus Christ is the one only Head.
That shall be very briefly our first subject of thought. We understand this headship to be the
representation of the church as a body; we speak of counting heads, meaning thereby persons—the head
represents the whole body. God has been pleased to deal with mankind as a community, and His great
covenant transactions have been with men in a body—not with separate individuals. That is to say, at the
first creation, God did not so much deal with each particular person of the human race as with the whole
race represented in one man, namely, the first Adam. It was so ordained that the race should be bound up
in his loins, to stand if he stood, to fall if he fell; therefore, my brothers and sisters, the fall, hence
original sin, and hence the sorrows of this life. In order for salvation, which, perhaps, was only possible
because we did not fall singly (for the devils falling singly and separately are reserved without hope of
mercy unto everlasting fire), God instituted a second federation, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The
apostle calls Him the Second Adam; He is the Head of that company of mankind who are His chosen—
His redeemed who are known in this world by being led to believe in Him, and are ultimately gathered
into His rest. Now, Jesus Christ stands to His church in the same position as Adam stood to his posterity.
They are chosen in Him, accepted in Him, and preserved in Him—“Saved in the Lord with an
everlasting salvation.” As His own words declare it, “Because I live, you shall live also.” In the
following chapters of the epistle before us, the apostle shows that the saints are buried with Jesus, risen
with Him, and quickened with Him. Even more explicit is he in the fifth chapter of Romans, where the
headship of Adam and of Jesus are compared and contrasted.
Our Lord is Head in a mystical sense, explained in Colossians 2:19: “The Head, from which all the
body, by joints and hands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increases with the increase
of God.” The head is to the body indispensable to life; it is the seat of mental life, the temple of the soul;
even so Jesus Christ is the vitalizing Head of all His people. “He is our life.” “In Him was life, and the
life was the light of men.” The life of every member of the mystical body depends upon the life of the
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Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 14
mystical Head. Through Jesus Christ every living child of God derives his spiritual life; not one true
member of the church lives by a life of his own. “For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in
God.” Separation from Christ is spiritual death, “If a man abide not in Me, he is cast forth as a branch,
and is withered.” The head mystically is not merely the source of life, and the seat of sensation, but it is
the throne of supreme government; it is from the brain that the mandate is issued which uplifts the hand,
or bids it fall by the side. Man walks or speaks, or sleeps, or rises from his couch according to the dictate
of that mysterious royal something which finds a place for itself within the head. Thus in the true church
of God, Jesus Christ is the great directing Head; from Him the only binding commands go forth; to Him
all the really spiritual yield a cheerful homage; his members delight to do the will of their Head. The
whole fabric of the church, actuated by His life, and being filled with His Spirit, most readily concedes
to Him that in all things He shall have the preeminence. In proportion as Christians are truly united to
Jesus, they are perfectly governed by Him, and it is only because of the old nature which abides in
separation from Christ that believers offend and transgress. In so far as they are spiritual men, so far
does Jesus rule them as the Head governs all the members of the body. The Head is also the glory of the
body; there the chief beauty of manhood dwells. The divine image is best seen in the countenance—the
face is the distinguishing glory of man. Man holds his head erect—his countenance is not turned towards
the earth like the beast, it glows with intelligence; it is the index of an immortal mind. Beauty chooses as
her favored seat the features of the countenance; majesty and tenderness, wisdom and love, courage and
compassion here hang out their ensigns, but all the graces choose the head as their favored dwelling
place. In this sense, right well is our Lord saluted as the “Head.” He is fairer than the children of men;
divine grace is poured into His lips. In Jesus Christ all the beauty of the church is summed up. What
were His church without Him? A carcass—a ghastly corpse bereft of all its glory—because divided from
its Head. What were all the good, and great, and excellent men who have ever lived without Christ? So
many ciphers upon a writing table; they count for nothing until their Lord, as the great Unit, is put
before them to give them power and value! Then, indeed, they swell to a mighty sum, but without Him,
they are less than nothing and vanity! An uncomely thing would be the church of God if she were not
comely with the comeliness which Jesus imparts to her! His head is as the finest gold; His countenance
is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars; He is the chief among 10,000, and the altogether lovely—glorious
is that body of which He is the crown and excellence! Well may the church be called the fairest among
women when her Head thus excels all the beauties of earth and heaven!
Another figure which is used to describe the headship of Christ to the church is the conjugal. As the
Lord made Eve out of the flesh of Adam, so has He taken the church out of the side of Christ Jesus, and
she is of Him as Eve was of Adam—she is of His flesh, and of His bones. A mysterious union has been
established between Christ and His church which is constantly compared to that of marriage: “For the
husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the Head of the church: and He is the Savior of the
body.” Jesus is the bridegroom—His church is His bride. They are espoused, one to another; in bonds of
love they are bound forever to each other, and they are alike with sacred expectation waiting for the
marriage day when shall be accomplished the eternal purpose of God, and the desire of the Redeemer.
As the husband exercises a headship in the house—not at all (when the relationship is rightly carried
out) tyrannical or magisterial, but a government founded upon the rule of nature, and endorsed by the
consent of love—even so Jesus Christ rules in His church. Not as a despotic lord, compelling and
constraining His subject bride against her will, but as a husband well-beloved, obtaining obedience
voluntarily from the heart of the beloved one, being in all things so admired, and held in esteem as to
win an undisputed preeminence! Such conjugal headship is illustrated by the word of God in the old
prophecy, “You shall call Me Ishi, and shall call Me no more Baali.” Baali and Ishi both mean lord, but
the sense differs—the one is a mere ruler, the other a beloved husband. Jesus Christ’s kingdom is no
tyranny! His scepter is not made of iron; He rules not with blows, and curses, and threats, but His
scepter is of silver, and His rule is love. The only chains He uses are the chains of His constraining
grace; His dominion is spiritual, and extends over willing hearts who delight to bow before Him, and to
give Him the honor due unto His name. These, I think, are the senses in which this word, “headship,” is
used. But there remains one other, these former all qualifying this last, upon which I intend to dwell at
some length this morning.
Christ is the Head of His church as King in Zion; in the midst of the church of God the supreme
government is vested in the person of Christ. “One is your Master, even Christ, and all you are
brethren.” The church is the kingdom of God among men. It is purely spiritual—comprehending only
spiritual men, and existing only for spiritual objectives. And who is its King? None but Jesus! We can
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Volume 14 Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ.
truly say, as they did of old who proclaimed the kingship of the Crucified, “We have another King, one
Jesus.” To Him the assemblies of the saints pay all regal honors, and at His throne the entire church
bows itself, saluting Him as Master and Lord. To no other do we render spiritual obeisance; Christ only,
and solely is King upon Zion’s hill, set there by eternal decree, maintained in that position by infinite
power, and appointed to remain upon the throne till every enemy shall be made His footstool. I wish I
had eloquence, this morning that I might bear worthy witness to the crown-rights of King Jesus in His
church! I know no subject which is more necessary to insist upon in these eventful times. Let Jesus be
acknowledged as the only Head of the church, and the way out of the present political debate which
agitates our nation is clear enough. Ignorance of this truth of God blinds many! It makes them labor with
all their heart for a bad cause, under the notion that they are doing God service. To know this truth is to
hold a most weighty trust with which we must not trifle. Martyrs have bled for this truth! Scotland’s
heather has been stained in 10,000 places, and her waters have been dyed crimson for the defense of this
weighty doctrine. Let us not be slow with unshaken courage to declare, yet again, that kings, and
princes, and parliaments have no lawful jurisdiction over the church of Jesus Christ, and that the best of
monarchs have no right to claim those royal prerogatives which God has given to His only-begotten
Son! Jesus alone is the Head of His spiritual kingdom, the church! And all others who come within her
pale to exercise power are but usurpers and Antichrist—and not for one moment to be respected in their
usurped authority by the true church of the living God! Some churches have not learned this lesson, but
are held in leash like dogs by their masters; they crouch down at the feet of the state to eat the crumbs
which fall from Mammon’s table; and if they are cuffed and beaten by the powers that be, well do they
deserve it—and I would almost pray that the whip may fall upon them yet more heavily till they learn to
appreciate liberty, and are willing to take off the dog collar of the state, and be free from human
domination! If they lose a little wealth, they will win the solid gold of God’s own favor, and the abiding
power of His Spirit, which they cannot expect to have while they are traitors to King Jesus, and
acknowledge not the sole and only headship of Immanuel in the church.
II. We shall now, therefore, in the second place, come to look a little into this headship of Jesus
Christ in a regal sense, as to WHAT IT IMPLIES.
Since Christ is the Head of His body, the church, He alone can determine doctrines for her. Nothing
is to be received as divinely warranted except it comes with His stamp upon it. It is nothing, my brothers
and sisters, to the faithful servant of Jesus Christ that a certain dogma comes down to him with the gray
antiquity of the ages to make it venerable. Like a sensible man, the Christian respects antiquity, but like
a loyal subject of his King, he does not so bow before antiquity as to let it become ruler in Zion instead
of the living Christ! A multitude of good men may meet together, and they may, in their judgment,
propound a dogma, and assert it to be essential and undoubted; and they may even threaten perils most
abundant to those who receive not their verdict; but if the dogma was not authorized long before they
decided it—if it were not written in the Bible—the decision of the learned council amounts to nothing!
All the fathers, and doctors, and divines, and confessors put together cannot add a word to the faith once
delivered unto the saints! Yes, I venture to say that the unanimous assent of all the saints in heaven and
earth would not suffice to make a single doctrine binding upon conscience unless Jesus had so
determined! In vain do men say, “So did the early church”—the early church has no supremacy over us!
It is to no purpose to quote Origen or Augustine! Quote the inspired apostles, and the doctrine is
established, but not otherwise! In the church of God it is never sufficient to say, “So thinks Martin
Luther.” Who was Martin Luther? A servant of Jesus Christ, and nothing more! It is not sufficient to
say, “So teaches John Calvin,” for who is John Calvin? Has he shed his blood for you, or is he your
master? His opinion is to be respected as the opinion of your fellow servant, but in no respect as a doctor
or authoritative teacher in the church—for Christ alone is Rabbi, and we are to call no man Master upon
earth! Suppose I have received a truth of God from the very man who was the means of my conversion?
I am bound, in candor and affection, to give all respect to him because of the relationship which exists
between us, but I must take heed lest this declines into idolatry, and I become nothing more than a
receiver of the truth of God as the word of man, instead of accepting it as the word of God. I am,
therefore, in the most candid manner, but none the less thoughtful, to bring to the test every truth of God
which I have received—whether from my father, or mother, or my minister, or from some great man of
olden times whose name I have learned to respect—seeking all the while the light of God from above to
direct me aright. Nothing is doctrine to the church of God—nothing which has not been taught in the
Scriptures. To Christians it is nothing to say that certain doctrines are taught in books of common
prayer, or of conference discipline, or of systematic theology; to us it is of small account that either
The Head of the Church Sermon #839
Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 14
Presbytery, or the Episcopacy, or Independency have put their stamp upon a certain form of teaching.
Authority is no more to us than the snap of a man’s finger unless the truth thus commended derives
certainty from the testimony of Jesus Christ Himself, who is the Head of His body the church!
So next, since He is the Head, He only can legislate as to the church. In a state, if any knot of
persons should profess to make laws for the kingdom, they would be laughed at! And if they should for
a moment attempt to enforce their own rules and regulations in defiance of the laws of the country, they
would be subject to punishment. Now the church of God has no power whatever to make laws for
herself, since she is not her own Head, and no one has any right to make laws for her, for no one is her
Head but Christ. Christ alone is the law-maker of the church, and no rule or regulation in the Christian
church stands for anything unless in its spirit, at least, it has the mind of Christ to support and back it up.
Such-and-such a thing has been thought to be right in the church, and therefore it has been laid down
and made prescriptive—the tradition of the fathers has established a certain custom. What then? Why
this—that if we can distinctly see that the custom and prescription are not according to the tenor of Holy
Scripture and the Spirit of Christ, neither of them are anything to us! But what if the custom is supported
by all the good men of every age? I say that matters nothing if the Lord has not taught it! Our conscience
is not to be bound! If a law were backed up by 50,000 times as many as all the saints, it would have no
authority upon the conscience even of the weakest Christian if not laid down by our King Himself! And
the violation of such a commandment of men would be no sin but might indeed, become a Christian duty
in order to let men see that we are not the servants o
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Volume 14 Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ.
discussion upon the question whether or not we should continue missionary operations, since there are
so few converted! How can the question ever be raised while the Master’s orders run thus—“Go you
into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”? Spoken by the mouth of Jesus, our ruler,
that command stands good, and the results of missions can have no effect upon loyal minds, either one
way or the other as to their prosecution! If from this day for the next 10,000 years not a single soul
should be converted to God by foreign missions—if there still remained a church of Christ, it would be
her duty with increasing vigor to thrust her sons forward into the mission field because her duty is not
measured by the result, but by the imperial authority of Christ! Equally so the church is not to be
regulated by the times. We are told by some that this age requires a different kind of preaching from that
of a hundred years ago—and that 200 years ago, in Puritan times, doctrines were suitable which are
exploded now. We are told the minister must keep abreast of the age—this is a thoughtful and
philosophic period, and the preacher must therefore philosophize, and bring forth his own thinking rather
than “mere declamation”—which is the learned name for a plain declaration of the gospel of Jesus
Christ! But, sirs, it is not so! Our King is the same, and the doctrines He has given us have not been
changed by His authority, nor the rules He has laid down reversed by His proclamation! He is the same
yesterday, today, and forever! Let the times be polished or uncouth; let them become philosophical or
sink into barbarism—our duty is still the same, in solemn loyalty to Jesus Christ, to know nothing
among men save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified! But the discoveries of science, we are told, have
materially affected belief, and therefore we should change our ways accordingly as philosophy changes.
No, it must not be so! This is a stumbling stone, and a rock of offense against which he who stumbles
shall be broken. We still have the same King, still the same laws, still the same teaching of the word, and
we are to deliver this teaching after the same sort, and in the same spirit! Semper idem must be our
motto—always the same, always keeping close to Jesus Christ, and glorifying Him—for He and not the
times, not the philosophy, and not the wit of man must rule and govern the church of God! If we shall do
this, if any church shall do this—namely, take its truth from Jesus’ lips, live according to Jesus’ word,
and go forward in His name—such a church cannot, by any possibility, fail, for the failure of such a
church would be the failure of the Master’s own authority! Brothers and sisters, He has told us if we
keep His commandments we shall abide in His love! He will be with us always, even to the end of the
world! And He has given to His church His Holy Spirit according to the fullness of those words which
He uttered when He breathed on His apostles, “Whoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them;
and whoever sins you retain, they are retained.” So then, a church acting for Christ, with His authority
denouncing the judgments of God upon sin, shall find those judgments follow; and opening the treasure
house of God’s mercy to those who seek Jesus Christ by faith, those treasures shall be freely given
according to the church’s declaration, which she made in her Master’s name. Go in her own name, and
she fails! Go in her Lord’s name, and she succeeds! Walk in obedience to His Statute-Book, and deliver
herself from the lordship of men, and the church’s history shall be written in some such lines as these,
“Fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners.”
I have in these words, I am afraid, rather confusedly stated what I believe Scripture teaches with
regard to the headship of Christ, namely, that He is the only teacher of doctrine, the only maker of
Spiritual laws; that He is the living administrator of the laws of His own spiritual kingdom, and therefore
no authority is to be yielded unto the church but that of Christ—and when we have that authority, and
are obedient to it, we need entertain no fear as to the result.
Very briefly, it rests on the natural supremacy of Christ’s nature. Who could be Head but Jesus? He
is a perfect man, which we are not; He is the first-born among many brethren, and we are but the
younger and weaker; He is God over all, blessed forever and ever; surely, none but He should be King in
Zion since there is no part of the church which is divine except its glorious Head! The headship of Christ
is the inevitable and necessary result of His work. Hear how His members sing—
“You have redeemed our souls with blood,
Have set the prisoners free;
Have made us kings and priests to God,
And we shall reign with Thee.”
Who could be Head but He to whom such praise can be awarded? He has washed us in His blood—He
must be Head! He has loved us from before the foundation of the world—He must be chief! His right
hand, and His holy arm have gotten Him the victory—let Him be crowned King of kings, and Lord of
lords! That winepress in which He trod His enemies till His garments were dyed with blood, was the
guarantee to Him that He should sit on His Father’s throne, and reign forever and ever!
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Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 14
Moreover, the decree of God has decided this beyond dispute. Read the second Psalm, and learn that
when the kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers took counsel together against the Lord, and against
His anointed, the Lord sitting in the heavens laughed at their conspiracy, and scorned the gathering of
His foes! “Yet,” says He, “have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion.” I will declare the decree—
“The Lord has said unto Me, You are My Son; this day have I begotten You.” How gloriously the
promise reads: “Ask of Me, and I shall give You the heathen for Your inheritance, and the uttermost
parts of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in
pieces like a potter’s vessel.” It is part of the eternal purpose which constituted the church that Christ
should be made its Head, and if there is a church of the living God, it is also inevitable that of that
church Christ should be the sole Head. Moreover, brethren, and but once more—is not our Lord the
Head of the church by universal acclamation, and consent of all the members of that church? We have
never set up a rival candidate! No heart renewed by His grace can desire any other king!—
“Let Him be crowned with majesty
Who bowed His head to death!
And be His honors sounded high
By all things that have breath.”
Rivals in His blood-bought dominion? Rivals against the Son of David? Let them be swept away as
the smoke! Let them be as driven stubble to His bow! King Jesus! All hail! Long live the King! Bring
forth the royal diadem! See you not how the angels crown Him? Hear you not to the songs of cherubim
and seraphim, “For You are worthy, You are worthy to take the book, and loose the seven seals
thereof”? Hear you not the everlasting chant of those who have overcome through His blood, “You are
worthy, You are worthy, for You were slain, and have redeemed us unto God by Your blood”? While
the church on earth joins in the same solemn canticle, “Crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of all,
for worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” By the supremacy of His nature; by the necessity of His
accomplished work; by the decree of the Father; by the universal assent of all the blood-washed, He is
the only Head of His own church!
IV. What then, brothers and sisters, WHAT THEN, DOES THIS CONDEMN?
What does it condemn? It condemns the villainous pretense of a Papal headship! A priest at Rome is
the head of the church of Jesus Christ, indeed! Well, if the Pope is head of the church—if he is so—then
look at what, according to Scripture, he is. This Pio Nono is this—he is the head of the body, the church
“who is the beginning.” Was there nothing, then, before this aforesaid Pius IX? “The first-born from the
dead”? Does he claim to have risen from the dead? “That in all things He might have the
preeminence”—is this also the old Italian’s right? “For it pleased the Father that in Him should all
fullness dwell”—blasphemy dares not apply this to the tottering prince whose treasury needs
replenishing with Peter’s pence. Yet this is the description of the person who is the Head of the church,
and if Pius IX is not all that, he is no head of the church! But perhaps he is the second head? Then
Christ’s church is a monstrous being with two heads! They may make it out to be three one day,
perhaps, and then we will call the thing Cerberus, and helldog and we shall not be far off from the true
idea of Popery! No, but he is the delegated head. What for? Why should Christ delegate authority which
He can wield Himself? “But we need a delegation, for Christ is absent”; but the Holy Spirit is that
delegation, and is here. Of all the dreams that ever deluded men, and probably of all blasphemies that
ever were uttered, there has never been one which is more absurd, and which is more fruitful in all
manner of mischief than the idea that the Bishop of Rome can be the head of the church of Jesus Christ!
No, these popes die, and are not! And how could the church live if its head were dead? The true Head
ever lives, and the church ever lives in Him!
But it is affirmed that there must be a visible headship, and just now we are told every day that we
must choose in church matters between the headship of the monarch of England, and the headship of the
pope at Rome. I beg the gentlemen’s pardon—we have no such choice, for when we are asked which we
will have to rule us in spiritual things, we say, “Neither—neither for a single moment!” We make no
bones about the matter; kings and queens are no heads of the church to us! We will no more brook
spiritual domination from an English premier than from a Romish pope! We are equally opposed to
both—all human headship must go down! To our well-beloved queen, all honor and reverence as to one
of the best of rulers in civil affairs, but in spiritual affairs in the church of Christ she has no ruling
power—what she may have in the Church of England is another question. To us it makes no matter
whether it is man or woman—whether it is prince or priest—we will have neither czar, emperor, queen,
pope, seraph, or angel to reign in the church of Jesus Christ! The church has no lawful governor or
supreme Lord but Jesus Christ Himself. Our Lo
Sermon #839 The Head of the Church
Volume 14 Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ.
God, that I marvel men who believe in the Bible should think the state could be at the head of the
church! The state-church party has placed a Bible with a crown and a scepter upon their posters! It is
suggestive that the Bible is closed—for if Englishmen were once to read it, it would be fatal to the cause
which now claims it, since one of the truths of God they would read would be this—“My kingdom is not
of this world.” And they would hear Christ say, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s”—
that is, yield all civil obedience to the civil authority, “but unto God the things that are God’s.” Leave
the Lord to rule in the kingdom of mind and spirit, and let Caesar keep his kingdom of civil government!
Let the state do its work, and never interfere with the church! And let the church do her work, and never
interfere with, or be interfered with, by the state! The two kingdoms are separate and distinct. Broad
lines of demarcation are always drawn throughout the whole of the New Testament, between the
spiritual and the temporal power—and the mischief is when men cannot see this. Christ is the Head of
the church, not anyone who represents the state. Brothers and sisters, just think for a minute what
mischief this doctrine of the headship of the state has done. Time was when men could hardly be parish
ushers without coming to take the sacrament at the established church. Oh, the multiplied hypocrisies
which were perpetrated every day by graceless men who came to qualify themselves for office by taking
the emblems of our holy faith when they knew not Christ! Such things are more or less inevitable to the
system. Think, again, what persecutions have risen out of this error. You cannot put any sect into a
position of ascendancy but it falls into persecution—all sects have persecuted, in turn, when so tempted.
There is not a pin to choose between one and the other, except, as I sometimes say, the Baptists have
never persecuted because they have never had an opportunity. But I will not insist even upon that. It is in
human nature to do ill when the civil arm is ready to crush conscience, and therefore Christ has taken the
temptation out of the way, and put it out of the possibility of His people, if they keep close to His rule,
so much as to touch the carnal weapon. The weapons of their warfare, He tells them, are not carnal, but
spiritual, and therefore mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
What degradation to the church of Christ to think of having any other Head but Christ! Ah, brothers
and sisters, if the monarch were the most holy and godly person that ever lived, I should tremble for him
exceedingly that such a person should in any sense be styled the Head of the church! How could such a
person pray? How could a poor sinner—and such the best man still is—come before Christ, and pray to
Him, and say, “Lord, You know I am the head of Your church”? It seems to me to be such an atrocious
claim, such a horrible profanity! I would not, for twice 10,000 worlds, touch that title with so much as
the tip of my finger if I hoped to be saved! I dare not expose my friend, or even my enemy, to the awful
risk he must make assuming such a title! I judge no one, God forbid I should! But if I saw in this world a
man absolutely perfect, full of divine knowledge and light, and I were asked by him, “Shall I assume
that title?” I should go down on my knees and say, “For God’s sake, and for your own soul’s sake, touch
it not, for how can you, with your light, and knowledge, and love to Christ, take from Him one of His
grandest names?” But what shall I say when the monarch is the opposite? And such cases have occurred.
I need not take you far back in history; the name of George IV has no remarkable odor of sanctity about
it—and the same may be said of Charles II; I never heard historians say that he was eminent in
godliness. But yet these men were heads of the church! I shudder at being compelled to remember such
an infamous fact; men whose character is not to be thought of without a blush on the cheek of modesty,
were heads of the church of Jesus Christ! God have mercy on this land for having fallen so low as this,
for I know not that heathen countries have ever blasphemed God more than we have done in allowing
heartless debauchers to take upon themselves the name of “head of the church of Christ”! No, my
brothers and sisters, this cannot be endured by us in any church with which we commune! We repudiate
it! We shake off the abomination as Paul shook off the viper from his hand into the fire!
The same rebuke is due to that which has been tolerated in many churches, namely, the headship of
great religious teachers. Sometimes great teachers, while yet alive, have been practically regarded as the
supreme arbiters of the church. Their will was law, apart from the Book; their decree stood fast, apart
from the Scripture. All this was evil! There are certain churches at this day which reverence extremely
the names of dead men. “The Fathers”—are they not by some thought to be as great as the apostles? The
names of John Wesley, and John Calvin, and others, I fear, very often occupy the place which belongs to
Jesus Christ. Let every church of Jesus Christ now declare that she follows not men, but obeys her
Master alone!
Mark you, brothers and sisters, the truth which I have brought out somewhat strongly equally applies
to the church itself, for the church is not her own head—she has no right to act upon her own judgment
apart from the statutes of her King! She must come to the Bible—everything is there for her; she has no
The Head of the Church Sermon #839
Tell someone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 14
right to use her own judgment apart from the Master. She must go to the Master. She is a servant, and
the Master is supreme. The church’s power is twofold; it is a power to testify to the world what Christ
has revealed, and she is set as a witness, and she must act as such. She has, next, a ministerial power by
which she carries out the will of Christ, and does His bidding as Christ’s servant and minister. A certain
number of servants meet in the servants’ hall—they have an order given to do such work, and they have
also orders given them how to do it. They then consult with each other as to the minor details—how they
can best observe the Master’s rule, and do His bidding. They are perfectly right in so doing; but suppose
they began to consult about whether the objects proposed by the Master were good, or whether the rules
which He had laid down might not be altered? They would at once become rebellious, and be in danger
of discharge. So a church met together to consult how to carry out the Master’s will, and how to enforce
His laws does rightly. But a church meeting to make new laws, or a church meeting to rule according to
its own judgment and opinion—imagining that its decision will have weight—has made a mistake, and
placed itself in a false position. The one doctrine which I have sought to bring forward is this—that He,
alone, who bought the church, and saved the church, is to rule the church!
make each of you inquire, “If the entire church is thus to yield obedience to Christ, and to no one else,
am I yielding such obedience? I claim to be Christian, but am I a Christian of that prejudiced sort who
follows that which they are brought up to, and so acknowledge the rules of mothers and fathers instead
of the rule of Christ? Have I brought what I avow to be the truth of God to the touchstone of Scripture?
Did I ever spend a quarter of an hour in weighing my cherished opinions?” I am afraid the great mass of
Christians have never done this—but have sucked in their religion with their mother’s milk, and nothing
Again, if I am a Christian, am I in the habit of judging what I ought to do by my own whims and
wishes, or do I judge by the Statute-Book of the King? Many say they do not like this, and do not like
that—as if that had anything to do with it! What are your likes and dislikes? You are a servant, and
bound to give up your will to the Master! If Christ gives a command which you imagine to be hard
because it does not chime in with your love of ease—my brothers and sisters will you not, as servants of
the Master, put your whims aside, and endeavor to follow Him? Oh, it is a blessed life to live—to be no
longer the servant of men or of self—but to go to Christ daily in prayer, and say, “What I know not,
teach me, Lord.” Then you may laugh at Satan’s rage, and face a frowning world, for the Master will
never leave those who cleave to Him! If a man loves the testimonies and commandments of the Most
High, God shall be his buckler, his shield, and his high tower; but if he turns aside to his own
imaginings, his fall shall be certain! May the Lord keep the church in this matter, and her day of victory
shall soon come. May Christ be her only Head, and her triumph draws near! I can see the morning
breaking—yonder are the first streaks of light upon the sky—the Master is coming because the church
begins to acknowledge Him, and then shall her happy days begin, and the days of her mourning shall be
ended forever and ever.
Muckle Kate Not a very ordinary name! But then, Muckle Kate, or Big Kate, or Kate-Mhor, or Kate of Lochcarron was not a very ordinary woman! The actual day of her salvation is difficult to trace to its sunrising, but being such a glorious day as it was, we simply wish to relate something of what shone forth in the redeemed life of that "ill-looking woman without any beauty in the sight of God or man." Muckle Kate was born and lived in Lochcarron in the county of Ross-shire. By the time she had lived her life to its eighty-fifth year she had well-earned the reputation of having committed every known sin against the Law of God with the exception murder. Speaking after the manner of men, if it took "Grace Abounding" to save a hardened sinner like John Bunyan, it was going to take "Grace Much More Abounding" to save Muckle Kate. However, Grace is Sovereign and cannot be thwarted when God sends it on the errand of salvation, and even the method used in bri...
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