"Christ forbideth his disciples and that oft (as thou mayest see Mat 18 and also 20, Mar 9 and also 10, Luk 9 and also 22, even at his last supper) not only to climb above lords, kings and emperors in worldly rule, but also to exalt themselves one above another in the kingdom of God. But in vain: for the Pope would not hear it: though he had commanded it ten thousand times, God's Word should rule only and not bishops' decrees or Pope's pleasure. That ought they to preach purely and spiritually and to fashion their lives thereafter and with all example of godly living and long suffering, to draw all to Christ: and not to expound the scriptures carnally and worldly saying: 'God spake this to Peter and I am his successor, therefore his authority is mine only:' and then bring in the tyranny of their fleshly wisdom, in presentia maioris cessat potestas minoris that is, in the presence of the greater the less hath no power. There is no brotherhood where such philosophy is taught. William Tyndale, "The Obedience of a Christian Man," 1528.


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