1. Let me caution you against the ignorant frivolity which, professing to reverence the Scriptures of the New Testament, speaks slightingly of those of the Old. As well may you sever the light of the meridian from its dawn; or, cutting a sunbeam in two, retain only the nearer portion.
2. Another popular conceit of our day is, that there is but little use in studying the prophetic Word of God, or, at least, beyond what lies on the surface. This, you perceive, was not the temper of the prophets: They "diligently inquired and searched." Into these things "angels long to gaze."
3. If such be the interest felt by all that is wisest and holiest in earth and heaven, in whatever concerns the redemption of man, alas for those to whom this great salvation itself is offered, and who yet choose to live and die in the neglect of it!
4. Let the afflicted children of God take comfort from the consideration of what was foretold, and has been fulfilled, in regard to God's own Well-Beloved, the Author and Finisher of their faith, to whose image it is God's purpose, and the dearest ambition of their hearts, that they shall be in all things conformed.


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