
It is a beautiful though a faint image which shines out on us from these fragmentary notices of this Colossian Epaphras — a true Christian bishop, who had come all the long way from his quiet valley in the depths of Asia Minor to get guidance about his flock from the great apostle, and who bore them on his heart day and night, and prayed much for them while so far away from them. How strange the fortune which has made his name and his solicitudes and prayers immortal! How little he dreamed that such embalming was to be given to his little services, and that they were to be crowned with such exuberant praise! The smallest work done for Jesus Christ lasts for ever, whether it abide in men's memories or no. Let us ever live as those who, like painters in fresco, have with swift hand to draw lines and lay on colours which will never fade; and let us by humble faith and holy life earn such a character from Paul's Master. The Master's "well done" will out-weigh labours and toils, and the depreciating tongues of fellow-servants, or of the Master's enemies.


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