
Christian love does not consist in approving everybody's religious opinions. Here is another most serious and growing delusion. There are many who pride themselves on never pronouncing others mistaken — whatever views they may hold. Your neighbor may be an Atheist, or a Buddhist, or a Roman Catholic, or a Mormonite, a Deist, or a Skeptic, a mere Formalist, or a thorough Antinomian. But the "love" of many says that you have no right to think him wrong! "If he is sincere — then it is uncharitable to think unfavorably of his spiritual condition!"

From such love — may I ever be delivered!

At this rate, the Apostles were wrong in going out to preach to the Gentiles!

At this rate, there is no use in missions!

At this rate, we had better close our Bibles, and shut up our churches!

At this rate, everybody is right — and nobody is wrong!

At this rate, everybody is going to Heaven — and nobody is going to Hell!

Such love is a monstrous caricature! To say that all are equally right in their opinions — though their opinions flatly contradict one another; to say that all are equally in the way to Heaven — though their doctrinal sentiments are as opposite as black and white — this is not Scriptural love. Love like this pours contempt on the Bible, and talks as if God had not given us a written standard of truth. Love like this, confuses all our notions of Heaven, and would fill it with a discordant inharmonious rabble.


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