
. Christianity is a busy trade; if we look up to God, what a multitude of things are required in a Christian to carry himself as he should do - a spirit of faith, a spirit of love, a spirit of joy and delight in Him above all - and if we look to men, there are duties for a Christian to his superiors, a spirit of subjection; to equals he must show a spirit of love, and to inferiors a spirit of pity and bounty. If we look to Satan, we have a commandment to resist him and watch against the tempter. If we look to the world, it is full of snares. There must be a great deal of spiritual watchfulness, that we be not surprised. If we look to ourselves, there are required many duties to carry our vessels in honor, and to walk within the compass of the Holy Ghost, to preserve the peace of our consciences, to walk answerably to our worth, as being the sons of God and joint coheirs with Christ. The Christian must dispense with himself in no sin; he must be. a vessel prepared for every good work, he must refrain from no service that God calls him to. Therefore the life of a Christian abounds with honourable and profitable employment.


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