I am crucified with Christ, With Him nailed upon the tree: Not THE cross, then, do I bear, But the cross it beareth me;— Solemn cross on which I died, One with Him, the Crucified.

Shall I take that blood-stained cross, Cross of agony and shame, Cross of Him who fought my fight, Cross of Him who overcame,— Shall I deck myself with thee, Awful cross of Calvary?

Shall I drag thee through the crowd, ‘Mid the laughter that is there? Whirl thee through the giddy waltz, Bound upon my neck or hair? Awful cross of Calvary, Shall I deck myself with thee?

Shall I make that lowly cross Minister of woman’s pride, Drawing eyes to me that should Fix upon the Crucified? Awful cross of Calvary, Shall I deck myself with thee? Shall I call this glittering gem, Made for show and vanity, Shall I call this gaud a cross,— Cross of Him who died for me? Shall I deck myself with thee, Awful cross of Calvary?

Cross of man’s device, I turn From thee to Himself, my Lord; What can this symbolic gem Do for me,—what peace afford? Shall I deck myself with thee, Awful cross of Calvary?

I am crucified with Christ, Yet I live through Him who died: Shall that cross of blood and woe Minister to human pride? Shall I deck myself with thee, Awful cross of Calvary?

 We glory only in the cross, On which the Son of God Finished the mighty sacrifice, Purging our sins with blood.

There peace for ever made by God, Himself our peace, we see,— Himself the bearer of our guilt On the great altar-tree.

The reconciling work was done, The work that ends the strife, When He, the Word made flesh, for us Laid down His human life.

The debt was paid, the peace was made,  The veil was rent in twain, And access to the Father given, By Him the victim slain.

We come, then, boldly to the throne: With a true heart we come, Emboldened only by the blood Which speaks the “Welcome home!”


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