Pauline Preaching

In the estimation of many , the Pauline preaching is becoming an antiquated kind of thing, which , in an age such as ours, should be quite laid on a shelf as a fossil. And what do they propose to substitute?   Some would have a more unsystematic mode of presenting truth. They would cast the federal( covenant)  theology aside, and must have a fresh cast of thought and an altogether new phraseology.  And what is this new thing they have introduced? It is not easy to describe it, for it is neither law nor Gospel - and it is a rare eye that can discern it to be common sense!  It is suited to neither saint nor sinner - and where to find an audience for such preaching, in which neither of these shall be, it is utterly impossible to conjecture.
    Others would have intellectual preaching, from which the old story of the cross would be excluded, and nothing supplied for either the heart or the conscience.
   Others still desiderate what they regard as advanced teaching. Of course , in their view this crave is a desire for progress - but what really is the thing that they seek? It is to go back from all the positions reached during the religious conflicts of the past, to abandon the whole sphere of vital godliness, to treat with disrespect the divine authority of the Word of God, and to decry as superstition all effort to walk in the fear of God.
    Besides all these there are some who are enamoured of what they call practical preaching, by which they mean preaching which is not doctrinal - for they dislike to be made to feel  how ignorant they are of the divine scheme of grace. This is preaching which (taking it for granted that all are Christians) deals out its counsels to all indiscriminately ; and which, coming down to everyday cares and anxieties of life , tends to cheer men in their daily toil by comforts which are furnished by reason rather than by Scripture -  comforts which never flowed from the fountain of living waters through Christ crucified.
    These are the new styles of preaching -  and if recent progress is maintained , Pauline preaching will soon cease to be heard from Scottish pulpits.
    "We preach Christ crucified" Only in connection with the preaching of Christ crucified will the quickening Spirit come to beget the life which is developed in new obedience. And it is the doctrine of the cross alone, when effectually applied, which  can be the motive power under whose impulse a Christian walks in the ways of the Lord.


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