
(from Thomas Reade's, "On Humility")
Pride and vanity cannot thrive at the foot of
the cross. It is only when we remove from this
holy ground, that they shoot out their pestiferous
branches in awful luxuriance.
True humility loves the sacred mount of Calvary,
on which the lowly Savior bowed his head and died!
There, repentance sheds the contrite tear.
There, faith views with joy the great atonement.
There, love glows with fervent desires to the Friend of sinners.
Man is naturally a proud, selfish creature.
He tries indeed to appear humble and unselfish,
but the monster Pride is easily seen through the
thin veil of false humility, which is thrown over its
frightful visage; while Self, like another Proteus,
assumes a thousand forms to escape detection.
It is only when the divine Spirit puts forth his
new creating power, through the instrumentality
of the everlasting Gospel, that the proud selfish
sinner becomes the lowly follower of the Lamb.
Humility is, then, the work of grace.
"Oh! Spirit of holiness, open my blind eyes to see
the wonders of your grace. Quicken my dead soul
to feel its sacred influence. Make me truly humble
in heart, emptied of every self exalting thought,
which would oppose the freeness of your love. Mold
my whole soul into the lowliness and meekness of
Jesus. Preserve me from the subtle influence of pride
and vain glory. Keep me ever low in my own eyes.
Root out every sinful, selfish principle; and give me
a single eye which aims at nothing but your glory."


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