Infinite Love

"And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Philippians 2:8 See here the astonishing humility of Christ. That Christ should clothe Himself with our flesh--a piece of that earth which we tread upon--oh infinite humility! For Christ to be made flesh, was more humility than for the angels to be made worms! He stripped Himself of the robes of His glory, and covered Himself with the rags of our humanity!
Christ's humiliation consisted in His being born, and that in a poor condition; and His undergoing . . . the miseries of this life, the cursed death of the cross, and the wrath of God.
The prime cause of Christ's humiliationwas free grace! Love was the intrinsic motive. Christ came to us, out of pity and love. Not our deserts--but our misery, caused Christ to humble Himself. This was a plot of free grace--a design of pure love! Christ incarnate, is nothing but 'love' covered with flesh! As Christ's assuming our human nature was a masterpiece of wisdom, so it also was a monument of free grace!
Behold the infinite love of Christ! Had not He been made flesh--we would have been made a curse! Had He not been incarnate, we would have been incarcerate, and had been forever in the prison of hell.
Consider where Jesus came from. He came from heaven, and from the richest place in heaven--His Father's bosom, that hive of sweetness.
Consider for whom Jesus came. Was it to His friends? No! He came for sinful man--who had defaced His image, and abused His love, and rebelled against Him! Yet He came to man, resolving to conquer our obstinacy with His kindness.
If He would come to any, why not to the fallen angels? The angels are of a more noble origin, are more intelligent creatures, and more able for service! But behold the love of Christ--He did not come to the fallen angels--but to sinful mankind!
Among the several wonders of the magnet is that it will not draw gold or pearl--but despising these, it draws the iron to itself--one of the most inferior metals. Just so, Christ leaves angels, those noble spirits, the gold and the pearl--and comes to poor sinful man, and draws him into His embraces!
Consider in what manner Jesus came. He came not in the majesty of a king, attended with His royal retinue --but He came poor.
Consider the place Jesus was born in-- a feeding trough was His cradle, the cobwebs were His curtains, the beasts were His companions!
Christ was so poor, that when He needed money, He had to work a miracle to obtain it. When He died, He made no will.
Consider why Jesus came. That He might take our sins upon Him--and so appease God's wrath for us, and bring us into His kingdom! He was poor--that we might become rich!
He was born of a virgin--that we might be born of God!
He took our flesh--that we might have His Spirit!
He lay in the feeding trough--that we might lie in paradise!
He came down from heaven--that we might go up to heaven!
And what was all this, but love? If our hearts are not rocks, this love of Christ should affect us. "May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it!" Ephesians 3:19


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