The Bible

All arguments against the word of God are fallacies; all conceits against the word are delusions; all derision against the word is folly; all opposition against the word is madness.
The Bible is open to all; but each should receive it as if addressed to himself alone. Let it speak to each in the words of Nathan to David, "You are the man!"
This one book is worth more than all the other books in the world! He who reads this book with attention, humility, prayer, and self-application, can never be ignorant of that which it chiefly concerns him to know. "Therein are contained the words of eternal life. It has God for its Author, salvation for its object, and truth, without mixture of error, for its matter."
"Holy Bible! book divine!
Precious treasure! you are mine!
Mine, to tell me whence I came;
Mine, to teach me what I am;
Mine, to chide me when I rove;
Mine, to show a Savior's love!
Mine you are, to guide my feet;
Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit;
Mine, to comfort in distress,
If the Holy Spirit bless;
Mine, to show, by living faith,
Man can triumph over death;
Mine, to tell of joys to come,
And the rebel sinner's doom!
O, you holy book divine,
Precious treasure! you are mine!"


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