Family Life

 “There is a great deal in the way in which a man walks in his house. It will not do to be a saint abroad and a devil at home!
There are some of that kind. They are wonderfully sweet at a Prayer Meeting, but they are dreadfully sour to their wives and
children. This will never do! Every genuine Believer should say, and mean it, ‘I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.’
It is in the home that we get the truest proof of godliness. ‘What sort of a man is he?’ said one to George Whitefield, and
Whitefield answered, ‘I cannot say, for I never lived with him.’ That is the way to test a man—to live with him.”—1894,

“Family prayer and the pulpit are the bulwarks of Protestantism! Depend upon it, when family piety goes down, the life of
godliness will become very low. In Europe, at any rate, seeing that the Christian faith began with a converted household, we
ought to seek after the conversion of all our families and to maintain within our houses the good and holy practice of family

“If you ask for wealth, you may not get it, for it is a small and paltry thing which the Lord may not care to give you. But if you
ask for eternal life, you shall have it, for this is a great thing and God delights to give the greatest blessings to those who come
to Him by Christ Jesus, so that, what might seem to hinder should now encourage!”—1894,  CH Spurgeon


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