
We are very apt, in our ignorance, to call evil good, and good evil; to imagine that God is blessing us with his richest favors--when he causes the sun of prosperity to shine with noontide splendor upon us; and that he is cursing us with his heaviest judgments--when our condition is overcast with the clouds of adversity; but, the contrary may be the case; just as there times in regard to agriculture, when sunshine is a curse, and clouds, and gloom, and rain, a blessing. We need the cloud and the rain of adversity, as well as the sunshine of prosperity, and far more. Hope has an eye to see heaven in a cloudy day, and an anchor that can find a firm bottom to lay hold of, under a weight and depth of waters. Here is its safe and blessed anchorage in that one passage, "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and are the called according to his purpose."
Afflictions, then, are among the all things which are working for our good; they are like bitter medicines and sharp operations, which put us to present pain for future health; and are like property sunk at present in unproductive employment, to yield a large profit hereafter; or the troubled, stormy ocean, over which we must sail to the haven of rest, for which we are promised, and through which we are carried in safety, by having on board this anchor of hope.
But of what use is an anchor, if it be not a good one. Great care is taken to secure good iron, and to have it well wrought for this purpose. Neglect in this particular would endanger the best ship, having on board the richest cargo. And as it is not every kind of material that will answer this purpose of an anchor; so it is not every kind of hope that will preserve the soul from destruction.
There is such a thing as a false hope, and there is also a good one. That hope only is good which rests on the foundation which God has laid in Zion, which is fixed on the Heaven revealed in Scripture, and purifies the soul from sin and worldliness. Let us look well to the nature of our anchor.
And of what value is the best anchor, if it be not used, and used well? Christians, are yours? Oh, keep up the desire and expectation of eternal glory. With heaven above, and eternity before you; with such events as the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting—do not allow yourselves to be swallowed up in worldliness, or overwhelmed by afflictions. Hope is a grace which you need to keep in daily exercise. And choose your proper anchorage—the promises of God in his blessed Word. Human speculation, the deductions of reason, the suggestions of philosophy, are but insecure ground; and all ideas of your own personal excellence are but quicksand, which will deceive you. It is the promise of God in Christ Jesus into which you must cast your anchor—and then come what will in the way of either calm or storm—it will hold, and you are safe!


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