Design of the Divine Artist

"We know that all things work together for good
 to those who love God, to those who are the called
 according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

In this present world, you may never see how the death 
of your husband is for good. Many go all their lives without 
having the 'mystifying characters' of the sad event deciphered
—and the secret workings of God's love laid open. They die 
in ignorance of His plans—though not of His purposes. 

The 'finished side' of the embroidery may never be turned to 
you here; and looking only at the tangled threads and dark 
colors of the 'back part'—all now appears to be in confusion!

But when the 'front view' shall be seen; and the design of the divine artist 
; and all the connections of the finely 
embroidered piece shall be pointed out; and the coloring 
shall be shown in the light of eternity—with what adoring 
wonder, delight, and gratitude will you exclaim, as the 
'whole picture' bursts upon your sight, "O the depth of 
the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How 
unsearchable are His methods! How unfathomable are 
His ways! All things have worked together for my good!"

You shall trace together the providential events of your 
earthly history. You shall learn why you were united—and 
why separated. You shall see the wisdom and goodness 
of those events, which once appeared so dark, and drew 
so many tears from your eyes. You shall indulge in 
reminiscences, all of which will furnish . . .
  new occasions of wonder;
  new motives to praise; and
  new sources of delight!

You shall point one another to the vista of everlasting 
ages opening before you, through which an endless 
succession of joys are advancing to meet you! And 
then, filled with a pure, unearthly love for each other, 
you shall fall down before the throne of the Lamb, 
and feel every other affection absorbed in supreme, 
adoring love to Him! 

Such a scene is before you! And since it is—then bear 
your sorrows, afflicted widow—for in what felicities 
are they to result—and how soon! 

"And we know that all things work together for good
 to those who love God, to those who are the called
 according to His purpose." Romans 8:28


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