The Seed

Ye who love the Lord and the brethren, wing the seed and give it to the wind . It is God's gift, and in His keeping. When it goes out of your sight , plead with Him who employs the wind as His angels to guide it to some bare and broken ground. While you pray for the fruitfulness of what has already been scattered, work to scatter more . This or that may prosper; perhaps this and that too. The very mountain tops shall wave yet like Lebanon with a harvest from the seed of "wholesome words."The earth shall yet be full of the knowledge of the Lord. The sowers may well wipe their tears away as they go forth, for they shall one day return rejoicing "bringing their sheaves with them." The Lord gave the word - The Lord is the Word; great should be the company of them that publish iy (Psalm 68)The shortest and surest method of killing and casting out the mischievous weeds that infest a field is to get the field covered from side to side with a closely growing crop of precious grain . Wholesome words are the true antidote to the unwholesome . When the enemy sows tares , Christ's servants have only one way of effectually counter working him , and that is by sowing wheat . The best way of eradicating error is to publish and practice truth. 


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