A Little Religion

A little religion is a painful thing , It destroys one pleasure and supplies no other in its stead . In this land of light and privilege , many go as far forward in a religious profession as to embitter the joy of the world ; few seem to advance far enough in the "new and living way"to reach a refuge in the joy of the Lord . Safety lies in drawing near to God ; and the distinguishing mark of an unbelieving heart is that it departs from Him . If the fortress were some pile of self-righteousness, or even a huge , unshapely heap of penances and fastings , men with their corruption all about them would be content to take their shelter there ; but since the offered resting place is under the eye , and even in the bosom , of the Holiest , they will not and cannot go in , unless they are made willing to put off the old nature and leave it behind . "His children shall have a place of refuge;"and the refuge is such that only the children count it a boon . The Great Teacher told Nicodemus first about seeing the kingdom of God , and next about entering it (John 3:3-5)No man will go into the kingdom until he has some spiritual perception of what it is . Though the Refuge is provided , and the gate standing open , and the invitation free, poor wanderers stand shivering without , because a suspicion clings to the guilty conscience , that the "strong tower", offered as a safe dwelling place , will turn out to be a place of confinement from genial society and human joys . We must take up Philip's simple prayer , "Lord show us the Father ;"If the prodigal could know the Father's love , he would arise and go to the Father's bosom .


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