Everlasting Love

"I have loved thee with an everlasting love"Jeremiah 31:3    We who by faith are the children of Abraham may muse upon these sweet and tender words..God's love to us is not of today or yesterday. It did not originate in any movement of our heart towards Himself , or even on that day of days when Jesus died . We must go back beyond our birth , beyond Calvary and Bethlehem , beyond the fall of man and the Garden of Eden , and as you stand looking out into the immensity of eternity, dare to believe that you were loved and chosen in Christ , the object of God's most tender solicitude and pity.  Does the thought overpower you ? Notice the Divine asseveration . Yea, there can be no doubt about it . Beyond this Divine asseveration it is impossible for us to go. By word and oath God , who cannot lie , has given us strong assurance that it is even so . But now see what comes out of this long , long love . God must have known the worst about us before He set His love on us . Then He cannot be surprised as , in the work of education , He comes across evils that horrify  and dismay us . He knew all this and worse . Only let that love have its way. It is a universal and invincible solvent . It will yet rid you bit by bit of these hard and evil elements . The very rocks will flow down at His presence .
              The fountains of God's love rise in eternity , and therefore cannot be exhausted by the demands of time . He will continue His loving-kindness. Resisted, disappointed , disregarded, His compassions will not fail until they have overcome and expelled our selfishness, and filled us with the love of God . 


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