
Let us contend against that unbelief whereby the glory of God is darkened , and his fulness , as it were annihilated. If we reflect on the inward workings of our minds , - if we apply ourselves to look into our minds , - we will find great darkness in them ; so that , when we attempt to meditate upon God , we have no right apprehensions of him ; and we do not realise , in Divine things , a weight sufficient to outweigh all the joys and fears of this world , and to cause them to vanish away . The reason of this is , that we do not enter into just views of the glory of God ; and while we continue under this darkness , we are in danger of being deceived by the misrepresentations of unbelief concerning him ;- and are ready to believe , that there is nothing more in him that what we see. This is the case with all those that are in an unconverted state . After they have applied themselves to such thoughts for some time , and cannot attain to any satisfaction ; they are ready just to let them alone , and to conclude , that this God who is so much spoken of , is but "a wilderness " - " a land of darkness ;" for when God speaks in this manner concerning himself ,"Have I been a wilderness unto Israel , - a land of darkness ?"  it is implied that the hearts of men are naturally disposed to think so of him .
So also , even those who are in a state of grace are in danger of falling into this condition to some degree:-hence that word , Hebrew 3 :12, "Therefore , take heed , brethren , lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief , in departing from the living God ."  Beware of hearkening to a deceitful heart ; believe not Satan ; rather believe the testimony of God . Think you , that God would call you to part with this world , if there were not a sufficient fulness in Himself to satisfy you , and if he were not willing to let out this fulness to you. ? Therefore follow on to seek after God ,- " Then shall ye know , if ye follow on to know the Lord ." " O taste and see that God is  good ," " This is life eternal , to know thee the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom thou hast sent ."     Rev John Love


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