As thy days so shall thy strength be .

These words contain a promise of strength that will be continued to the end of life . It is strength according to our "days "- the use of the plural is significant . The word embraces the number of our days as well as their quality . In other words the Lord gives the assurance that He will sustain His people to the end . This is the crowning assurance of the Gospel , for it puts the seal of permenance on all other blessings of salvation . As the years pass away , the beleiver becomes conscious of failing powers . His eye becomes dim , and his natural force is abated . But although the outward man yields to the withering touch of time , the inward man is renewed day by day . The heart is sustained in hopeful;ness and courage , and the spirit triumphs over the infirmities of the flesh . The Lord will never forsake His peoplle , He will abide with them all their days , and at last , when the pilgrimage of life is ended , He will bring them safe home to be with Himself forever .
"My knowledge of that life is small .
The eye of faith is dim ;
But 'tis enough that Christ knows all ,
And I shall be with Him ."
Let us take hold of the gracious promise for our own comfort and encouragement as we face the future . We cannot read the secrets , but if we avail ourselves of the equipment with which the Lord privides us for the journey , we shall not faint in the way .   Alexander Stewart


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