Covenant of Grace

Those who are sincere in their profession of religion , are distinguished from hypocrites in this respect , that they entertain a particular solicitude and concern to have matters made sure between God and their souls ; whereas hypocrites , although they do not wish to appear to themselves or others under the character of the enemies of God , still they do not want to come near to him , or into close dealing with him . . They want to preserve a kind of half - religion , which will quiet their consciences and keep them at ease ; they do not truly desire to be brought under the bond of the covenant . For , although everything in the covenant of grace is highly sweetened and seasoned with the love of God ; yet this love is of so pure and exalted a nature , that the heart of the hypocrite cannot bear the splendour of its beams . It is a very important part of that dignity to which the children of God are exalted , and a part of their conformity to Jesus Christ , that they are permitted to be parties in covenant transactions with God ; and that although , as regards the the secret counsels of God from eternity , all things are settled and sure , independently of any spiritual exercises on their part ; yet it is in this way that God brings sinners to glory ; so that every one of his people has ground to say with David , as in the text , " He hath made with me an everlasting covenant ,ordered in all things and sure ; for this is all my salvation , and all my desire , although he make it not so now ."2 Samuel 23 : 5.


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