The Word

The word reveals the holiness and justice of God , and the requirements of his law , and its awful sanctions ; it also reveals , at the same time , his rich mercy and grace in Christ , and a way of deliverance and salvation through him , and is thus fitted to alarm sinners and give them peace ,- and thereby humble and soften them , and bring them to lie in the dust of self - abasement , at the foot of the Redeemer's cross . Hence , the Divine Word is represented as a hammer which  breaks the rock in pieces ; as quick and powerful , and sharper than any two edged sword ; is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds , casting down imaginations , and bringing every thought to the obedience of Christ . It is equally evident that the ordinance of preaching is an instrumentality peculiarly suited for the dispensing of the Word to sinners - for bringing its awakening , convincing , humbling , and saving truths to bear on their minds . Neither the Word itself , however , nor the preaching of it , will be of any avail unless accompanied by the power of the Spirit . Accordingly , this bow is in Christ's hands . It is he who draws the bow , and shoots from it the arrows of the Word , directing them to their destined objects , and causing them to pierce the hearts and consciences of sinners , and produce their intended saving effects . In vain will the Word be preached by man if Christ do not send it - if he do not give it effect . Preaching the Gospel is like Ezekiel's prophesying to the dry bones in the valley of vision . Of what avail would it have been unless the breath of life from Jehovah had breathed upon them ? Or it may be compared to the husbandman's ploughing and sowing . Of what avail would be all his labours , unless accompanied by the natural blessing of God ? In like manner , Paul may plant , and Apollos may water , but God giveth the increase .


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