The Atonement

If the Lord Jesus Christ made full satisfaction unto God the Father , how is it that believers , many of them have their consciences so perplexed in regard of sin , as if there were no satisfaction at all made ? The reason is , that men do not study this truth , but are ignorant of it . As , suppose that a man owe three or four hundred pounds to a shopkeeper for wares that he had taken up there ; a friend comes , pays the debt , and crosses the book ; but the debtor when he comes back and looks on the book , he is able to read all the particulars , and he charges it still upon himself , because he does not understand the nature of crossing the book . So now it is here ; the Lord Jesus Christ hath come and crossed the book with his own blood ; the sins are to be read in your own consciences , but we , being not acquainted with the nature of Christs satisfaction , we charge ourselves , as if no sin at all were satisfied for us . William Bridge


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