The Redeemer's Prayers

He" was heard " says the Apostle , "in that he feared ", that is , on account of his fear , namely , his reverential fear of God , unfeigned submission to his holy will , firm trust in him , and supreme regard to his glory , all which he displayed while enduring the effects of Divine wrath . Wicked men , when punished for their sins , instead of acknowledging the righteousness of God in their punishment , blaspheme his name on account of it , and the heavier their punishment grows , and the longer it continues , the more obstinate do their enmity and impiety become .  Thus they persist in refusing to do homage to their Judge , and this is one reason why their sufferings never atone for their guilt .  Christ , however ,when " he was stricken , smitten of God and afflicted ," for the sins of his people , accepted the punishment thus laid upon him as their Surety , cordially submitting to it in honours of the Divine law . And when he endured God's wrath in the exercise of unfeigned submission , he maintained likewise under it a firm and unshaken faith in God , as his covenant God and Father , and in the promise of  support and deliverance . It was in the exercise of these and other holy feelings that our great High Priest approached Jehovah in the character of a sin- avenging Judge , and met the manifestation of his judicial anger , and mediated with him on our behalf . He not only drank the bitter cup , but he drank it obediently , and this it was which rendered his sufferings propitiatory , and his prayers all prevailing .


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