Teaching them to observe all things . Matthew 28 : 20

By these words , Christ shows that , in sending the apostles , he does not entirely resign his office , as if he ceased to be the Teacher of his Church . For he sends away the apostles with this reservation , that they shall not bring forward their own inventions , but shall purely and faithfully deliver from hand to hand  ( as we say)  what he has entrusted to them . Would to God that the Pope would subject to this rule the power which he claims for himself ; for we could easily permit him to be the successor of Peter or of Paul , provided he did not usurp a tyrannical dominion over our souls . But he has set aside the authority of Christ , and infects the Church with his childish  fooleries , this shows plainly enough how widely he has departed from the apostolic office . In short , let us hold that by these words teachers are appointed over the Church , not to put forward what they think proper , but that they , as well as others , may depend on the mouth of the Master alone , so as to gain disciples for him , and not for themselves .


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