The Glory of God

The Father chooses the church in Christ , and blesses her with all spiritual blessings in Him . The Son accepts her as his Bride and inheritance , and when fallen , redeems her by his precious blood .The Holy Ghost quickens the souls thus chosen , and makes meet for the inheritance , and seals them for the present enjoyment of it in grace , and the futurt enjoyment of it in glory . And to what does all this redound ,but "to the praise of God's glory?"praise to the Father , praise to the Son , and praise to the Holy Ghost ; Praise to the Father who loved the church and chose her ; praise to the Son who loved the church and gave himself for her ; and praise to the Holy Ghost who loved the church , and seals her unto the glorious day when the purposes of God's grace will all be fulfilled , and the church reign with her covenant Head in glory for ever and ever.


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