The Slain Lamb

How futile all the opposition of earth and of hell to the church of Christ !And how constantly this truth thrusts itself in the sacred pages upon our attention and our faith ! It is one of the golden threads of heavenly truth that runs through and shines in all this book. Like the maddened Jews when they crucified Jesus , men and devils can only do with their wicked hands that which His hand and counsel determined beforehand to be done . How deep must be the guilt , and how fearful the ruin of all who refuse to bow to this Saviour ! How obstinate and wicked the unbelief that with holds from Him the heart's trust , and the life's obedience . Jesus Christ is king . He will rule . Every enemy shall be put down . Having offered Himself as the slain Lamb to redeem the world . "God hath highly exalted Him , and given Him a name that is above every name , that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow , and every tongue confess that He is Lord , to the glory of God the Father. " 


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