The Spirit

Suppose a  man is born blind ; he has a natural incapacity of sight . No arguements , biddings , threatenings , or promises can make him see .But let the miracle be wrought ; let the Lord touch his eyes with his Divine hand ; he sees at once . Though he cannot explain how or why , he can say to all objectors "One thing I know , that whereas I was blind , now I see" (John 9:25)And thus it is in the Spirits work of sanctification , begun at regeneration , when a new life is given , a new capacity imparted , a new desire awakened .It is carried forward in His daily renewing (2Cor. 4:16) and is completed at glorification . What we would specially emphasize is that whether the Spirit be convicting us , working repentance in us , breathing upon us the spirit of prayer , or taking of the things of Christ and showing them unto our joyful hearts , He is discharging His covenant offices . May we render unto Him the praise and worship which He is due.


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